The Tiny Cupboard is an underground indie comedy club in Bushwick, Brooklyn founded by a couple Amy Wong & Matt Rosenblum. In 2019, it started off as music, comedy, and experimental experiences in a tiny 153 square foot Bushwick art studio (which is how they got their name.) When the pandemic hit, The Tiny Cupboard morphed into a rooftop comedy club in the Summer 2020, because that is what the comedy community needed at the time with all indoor comedy clubs shutdown. During that time, Tiny Cupboard found it's foucs as a community centered indie/alternative stand up comedy club. They opend their indoor pink comedy main room below the roof in 2021, which was originally a church for legal reasons, and use their original tiny room mainly for open mics now.
The Tiny Cupboard is a very grassroots club, totally built from the ground-up by the commmunity with no outside investors, or even money from family or friends (it really started with just a few hundred dollars in a tiny room.) The shows are open to all ages (though not necessarily appropriate for all ages but it's your call.) Very afoordable (usually 10 -15 dollars, no drink requirement no overpriced drinks,) and have acool young, and respedtful vibe (they try not to book assholes.) There are stand comedy shows every single night!
See you at one of the shows soon!
Founded by Amy Wong and Matt Rosenblum